
28 day return policy

How do I return an item

We handle every return individually so that we can understand the issue completely. If you wish to return a product, please contact us at
and one of our sales advisor's will be happy to help.


On your email to us make sure you tell us

  1. Your order number.
  2. Which item(s) you wish to return.
  3. The reason for returning.

We will get back to you within 24 hours with a resolution.

Please remember:

  • Allow 3-5 working days once the goods have reached us to process all returns.
  • Any returns received after 28 days will not be processed.
  • All refunds will be credited back to the original method used to place the order.
  • Credit/debit card transactions can take 3-5 working days to show on your bank statement.
  • Please ensure your account details are current and up to date as we may need to contact you regarding your return via email or telephone.

Shipping & Handling

Customers are accountable for return shipping charges unless the goods are faulty when we will refund your postage. Goods are the customer’s responsibility until they arrive at the Newtz studio.

Our returns policy does not affect the consumer’s statutory rights.